Wednesday, September 22, 2010


How does compassion fit into education? How do we let our students know that we care about them and their futures in education? This is a big question because we all can think back to our schooling and remember both sides, that teacher that you always felt you could go to because you knew they would always listen, or that teacher that you would rather talk to a brick because it would show more compassion. Most of it all comes down to presentation. How we present ourselves to our students is key because someone who acts kind and shows themselves as a person who is open to listening and caring is going to have students feel better talking to them, in class and out. The opposite is the closed person who doesn't make themselves open to helping students or even to other faculty and it will be these people who come across as the uncompassionate people. So think on how you want yourself to come across and better yet think about which teachers you liked the best and remember how they made you feel and try and be like them.

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